Ordering your new PaddleYak Kayaks

The original PaddleYak Online Sea Kayak Store was one of the first of its kind and has been going for over twenty-five years now, setting the trend for many online stores to follow. Importantly, the site only facilitates an enquiry or the placing of an order, not payment. This allows customers to engage directly with PaddleYak, before a sale is concluded with settlement. Customers have an opportunity to speak to staff and discuss their needs following an online enquiry. This suits the nature of buying adventure equipment, often being investments in lifestyle and health, so a more informed discussion is needed to obtain the right advice and ultimately the most suitable equipment. Once decided upon, customers at PaddleYak are provided with emailed invoices which upon being settled, confirms the orders. This means customers can ensure they obtain the craft most suited to their needs. PaddleYak customers can make enquiries online directly on www.paddleyak.co.za or send an email to info@seakayak.co.za or phone or WhatsApp +27 (0)825562520 from anywhere in South Africa and the world. PaddleYak has supplied thousands of happy paddlers with its innovative products. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs. There is no better time to do so than right now!

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