Just as you find a huge spread in auto vehicle prices because of the varying qualities of the vehicles, so you find huge differences in prices of boats, kayaks and other watercraft. In respect of kayaks, the top of the range craft are manufactured by hand in fibreglass and other composite materials.
These give you the best quality and performances. All Olympic craft for instance are manufactured in composite fibreglass materials, including carbon and Kevlar. At the bottom of the range you will get budget roto-molded plastic play craft. These are usually for novices and recreational use and whilst providing lots of fun to many, are limited in respect of portability and versatility. If you are in the market for better performing craft to optimize your paddling time, be prepared to pay for the quality.
South Africans are fortunate to be able to still obtain composite craft at reasonable prices. Overseas you will pay up to four times more, which demonstrates the desirability of such craft, prices ranging
from R30 000.00 to R80 000.00. Make your paddling experience special; dig a bit deeper and invest in handmade kayaks like PaddleYak Sea Kayaks produced in South Africa for the world. For more,
ph 0825562520 or email info@seakayak.co.za or see www.paddleyak.co.za