With the month of December upon us buyers are pushing to obtain the best products available locally. PaddleYak Kayaks, South Africa’s premier brand for handmade recreational and expedition level kayaks are right up there and is rallying to service orders during the festive season. The distinctive craft cater for all levels of paddling, from recreational to touring and beyond. In short,for all who wish to obtain craft to enjoy some exciting adventures with, whether in their own backyard, or locally in such locations as False Bay, Langebaan, Still Bay, Mossel Bay, Knysna, Plett, Port
Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Balito or further afield in neighboring countries such as Mozambique, Namibia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Gabon and the Congo and in offshore islands such as Mauritius, Madagascar, the Seychelles and the Comores. PaddleYak Kayaks are also shipped offshore, the last batch headed for Muscat in Oman. South Africans are indeed fortunate to be able to obtain hand-laminated fibreglass craft at the prices they are available at here from PaddleYak. It makes the upgrading from plastic play craft to the real thing, genuine sea kayaks,
a no-brainer. To discuss and order your PaddleYak Kayak, ph 0825562520 or email info@seakayak,co.za today.