A pedalo paddle boat with a glass view port is a rarity even though pedal-type paddle boats have been around since the first paddle boat steamers took to water. PaddleYak Sea Kayak Productions cc, the innovative South Africa kayak company which introduced the hybrid kayak concept and
produces the leadin g PaddleYak range of sea kayaks, is setting up to provide pedalos with a view port for use in locations where underwater landscapes and sea conditions permit. Hotels, resorts and other outlets can now acquire self-propelled paddle boats which allow users to enjoy the
underwater landscapes at their leisure. Manufactured in South Africa’s Western Cape, the company, which has been in production for 25 years and have been awarded two national design awards, produces craft in top quality hand-laminated fibreglass for best performance, robustness and
longevity. Whilst various manufacturers have produced budget pedalos in plastic, resin-impregnated fibreglass laminates have stood the test of time. Pedalos are large craft and tend to be left in the open where they become weather-beaten. Only laminated fibreglass craft can withstand the
combined rigors of sun, heat and sea.
For more information, Whatsapp or Ph +27 (0)825562520, or email Johan at info@seakayak.co.za